2025 Awards Information Coming Soon
The dinner, “A Night of Excellence,” will mark a special occasion as PBMF moves into its 52nd year of advocating for fair representation of the African American community in the news, working to increase the presence of journalists of color in newsrooms and other media organizations, and recognizing and promoting excellence and quality in the coverage of communities of color.
No tickets will be sold at the door.
Stay connected for more information
on the 2025 awards.
The theme of the evening, “Night of Excellence,” is a reminder that integrity and the pursuit of access to information and truth allow journalists to report on government corruption, war on the defenseless, and crimes against humanity, but also on local community heroes, the arts, and more.
“Night of Excellence” is also a reminder that journalists must seek the highest standards of fairness and inclusivity in their reporting, recognizing that democracy is multilayered and diverse and that journalists must continue to pursue knowledge and a deeper understanding of communities that are different from their own. This helps journalists to better report truth and gain trust in all of the communities they cover.
President Deborah Todd
Pittsburgh Black Media Federation
PO Box 9049
Pittsburgh, PA 15224-9988